Japan KYUSHU Tourist  ジャパン九州ツーリスト株式会社

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JEITA Excursion / Japan’s Industrial Modernization in Kitakyushu


Customer : JAITA, Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industrial Association     

Participant : 28 person

Schedule : September 13, 2019

Where to visit : Higashida, Kitakyushu

Tour guide : Masa Kondo, Japan KYUSHU Tourist



What to learn

Japanese industry at the end of 19th century was 200years behind.

After Mathew C Perry came to Japan in 1853, Japan’s industrial Revolution was started.

Japan became the world’s leading industrialized country in only 100 years.

To learn how Japan has become the world’s most industrialized country.






9:00 Depart JR Kokura Station

Kitakyushu Innovation Gallery

Higashida No.1 Blast Furnace

UNESCO World Heritage, Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution

12:00 JR Kokura Station


 - ●Tailor-made tour results, ●Study tour results