Japan KYUSHU Tourist  ジャパン九州ツーリスト株式会社

We are the specialist’s for travel and tours in Kyushu, Japan
warmly welcoming customers from all over the world.


TEL +81 93-521-8897
FAX +81 93-521-8898



Dazaifu is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in Fukuoka-prefecture

to experience Japanese traditional culture.

From the late 7th century to the late 12th century, Dazaifu was the western capital

of Japan and controlled Kyushu. Geographically, it served as the front line of

Japan’s diplomacy and defense, as well as it is gate way to the Asian continent.

A special location worth visiting is Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine built in 919 , with more

than 8.5 million tourists visiting annually.


Population : 73,000 people, Population density : 2,500 people / km2

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