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Hidden Christians from 1612


Oppression against Christians began with the Tokugawa shogunate’s ban

on Christianity. The missionaries were expelled to oversea countries, and

those who remained secretly in Japan were also captured and martyred.

Konishi Mansho who was the last Priest during the ban on Christianity,

was also martyred in 1644.

In the absence of priests, believers pretended to be Shinto or Buddhist

ostensibly in order to protect their faith.

The Christian organizations were created in each village to continue the

Christian faith and the faith was passed down from parents to children and

from children to grandchildren.


Hidden Christian

Even after lifted ban on Christianity, people who continue to practice their

faith in the same way as before are called “Hidden Christians”.

Hidden Christians in Nagasaki have been passed down since the ban on

Christianity in Hirado, Ikitsuki, the Goto Islands, Sotome, and around Nagasaki.


 - ● History of Japanese Christianity