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Off the beaten path


Yunotsubo Avenue, in Yufuin, Oita-prefecture


Main street in Yufuin located at the foot of mount Yufu. The avenue is started near JR Yufuin

Station and connected to Kinrinko lake. Through Yunotsubo Avenue, it takes about 30 minutes

on foot from JR Yufuin Station to Kinrinko lake.

There are 70 shops, gift shop, galleries, curiosity item shops as well as cafes.

Along the Oita River, which is one street away, it is a recommended walking spot where

you can enjoy the seasonal scenery, and you can find a tranquil atmosphere of Yufuin.



Showano-machi, in Oita-prefecture


Time back Japan’s 60 years ago, one of worthwhile place to visit in Bungo-takada, Kunisaki

Peninsula, Oita-prefecture. The era that lasted till about 30 years ago in Japanese history,

Bungo-takada was the most prosperous in Kunisaki Peninsula for over 300 years from the

Edo period up to 1900.
Here remains various old structures and remnants of regional Japanese.


Harajiri Waterfalls, in Oita-prfecture


It is called Niagara Falls of Japan.  The Ogata River, running through the center of the

Ogata plain in Oita Prefecture, flows furiously down a cliff and creates Harajiri Falls.

The falls, 120 meters wide and 20 meters tall, are selected as one of the best 100 falls in

Japan. Lava flows produced by the great eruption of Mt. Aso accumulated and created 

Harajiri Falls.


Usa Shrine, in Oira-prefecture


One of the most beautiful Shrine in Japan, the head shrine of Hachiman Shrine that is 

composed 44,000 shrines that dedicated to the Hachiman Deity.

Emperor Ojin, who was deified as Hachiman-jin  (the tutelary god of warriors), is said
to be enshrined in all the sites dedicated to him; and the first and earliest of these was
at Usa in the early 8th century. The Shrine is was founded in 727.


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