Japan KYUSHU Tourist  ジャパン九州ツーリスト株式会社

We are the specialist’s for travel and tours in Kyushu, Japan
warmly welcoming customers from all over the world.


TEL +81 93-521-8897
FAX +81 93-521-8898

Trekking in Mount Sarakura

  Mount Satakura is a part of Kitakyushu Quasi-National Park and is located in Yahata-higashi. The height of the mo …

Trekking in Mount Sarakura…の続きを読む

Trekking in Hiraodai Karst Plateau

  Trail and Trekking

  Hiraodai Karst Plateau is also part of Kitakyushu Quasi-National Park along with Mount Sarakura and one of the th …

Trekking in Hiraodai Karst Plateau…の続きを読む

Kumamoto, in Kumamoto-prefecture

  Featured destinations

  Kumamoto is the 3rd largest city in Kyushu located almost in the center of Kyushu, with Aso region on the east si …

Kumamoto, in Kumamoto-prefecture…の続きを読む