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Nagasaki Kunchi


Nagasaki Kunchi is one of big-three festival in Japan, held on October 7 to 9 at Suwa Shrine.

The festival features Chinese dance including Ja-odori (Snake dance), this time dancing all

around the city but especially at Suwa Shrine. History of the Festival, after Christianity was

harshly suppressed in Nagasaki in 1624, a festival was dedicated to Suwa Shrine, the guardian

god of local people. It is believed that Suwa Shrine festival called “Nagasaki Kunchi” and danced

were offered to shrine with cooperated of local people in 1634.

At the outset, dedicated dance were very simple but gradually became colorful. During Eiho Era

(1673-80), a Chinese dance with an exotic flavor offered to the shrine. The Ja-odori or snake dance

was first performed in the Nagasaki Kunchi during period 1789-1800. In 1970, the government

designated the whole of Nagasaki Kunchi dance including Ja-odori as an Important Intangible

Cultural Asset.

Martial art, Karate


Karate is a martial art developed in the Okinawa, Kyushu, and is art of self-defense 
that use no weapons and relies instead on three main techniques; arm strike, 
thrusts and kicks.

A distinction is made between offensive and defensive tourniquets, which 
are modified according to the position of one’s opponent. Today karate 
becomes popularity for self-perfection, for cultural reasons, for self-defense 
and as a sport.



Hitoyoshi is located in the northern part of Kumamoto along Kuma-gawa River.

Hitoyoshi is a castle town once prosperous as a river port, and boasts the ruins of the

Hitoyoshi castle and Hitoyoshi Onsen.

The Hitoyoshi Onsen is the collective name for 30-add hot springs including Sagara

Onsen, all of which are supplied with hot water from sources around Hitoyoshi Station

and in the basin of Kuma-gawa River.

The most exiting thing in Hitoyoshi is Kumasawa-kudari that is riding on a boat maneuvered

by a master polar down the Kuma-gawa River, one of the three fast streams in Japan.


Azaleas at Sensuikyo gorge


Sensuikyo gorge is located at an altitude of approximately 900 m at the northern foot of Mt. Aso.

From there you can see the north side of the caldera and the outer rim of caldera.

At Sensuikyo gorge, approximately 50,000 azaleas called Miyama-kirishima bloom all at once,

painting the area pink.


Society of Edo period from 1603


The Edo period began in 1603 by Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu who won the Battle

of Sekigahara and lasted for 260 years until 1868.

The Tokugawa shogun granted territory to feudal lords throughout Japan and  

controlled from Edo (current Tokyo).

The Tokugawa shogunate established many rules to prevent civil wars among feudal

lords and maintain a stable government.

Samurai laws; feudal lords were prohibited from repairing their castles or getting married

without permission from the shogunate.

Sankin Kotai : the party of feudal lords should visit Edo with own expense every two

years for preventing rebellion.

Establishment of Class system : classify samurai, farmer and merchant  

Ban on Christianity

The emperor became a symbol of traditional authority, delegating government to

the shogun.



Omura is the city located in the center of Nagasaki-prefecture and has Nagasaki Airport.

It is approximately 40 minutes to Nagasaki-city by a car.


Omura was the territory of the Omura clan. In 1549, when the missionary Francisco Xavier

introduced Christianity to Japan, the feudal lord Omura Sumitada allowed to spread Christianity,

and in 1563 Omura Sumitada himself became a Christian, becoming Japan’s first Christian

feudal lord.

And then, many people became Christians in Omura area.

However, in 1587, the year Omura Sumitada died, Toyotomi Hideyoshi issued ban on Christianity.

Since then, many Christians have been martyred here.


Population : 97,000 people, Population density : 770 people / km2

Omura sushi


A local dish that has been passed down in Omura since ancient times.

During the ancient time, when feudal lord Omura Sumikore, who had been

defeated in battle and had his territory taken away, fought back and regained

his territory, the people of his territory made pressed sushi and served it to



It is said to have originated. The reason why it was pressed sushi was because

there weren’t enough tableware to feed a large number of soldiers. It is said that

the people spread large quantities of freshly cooked rice in a shallow wooden

box and quickly made pressed sushi with double toppings, which the soldiers

then ate by cutting it into squares with a wakizashi. Due to this tradition, the locals

have called it “Omura sushi, which means sushi to celebrate winning battles,

” and it is still valued as an indispensable dish for celebrations.

History of Dejima from 1636


Dejima was the fan-shaped artificial island in the bay of Nagasaki where was used

as a trading port during Japan’s National isolation of Edo period.

In 1636, the artificial island, Dejima was constructed to accommodate  Portuguese

who lived in Nagasaki and to prohibit Christian missionary work.

In 1638, trade with Portugal was prohibited and Dejima becaome an uninhabited island.

In 1641, the Dutch trading post in Hirado was moved to Dejima, and then the history of

trade with the Netherlands began at Dejima as only the gateway to European in Japan.

THE OUTLETS Kitakyushu


The largest Outlets in Kyushu, and is located Higashida in Kitakyushu-city.

There are 140 outlet stores, including the world’s leading imported brands,

outdoor sports brands, and speciality stores.

And also there are restaurant and cafes.

There are many places where not only adults but also children can enjoy

such as Space LABO, ASOBLE, Gira Park HIGASHIDA as well as Activation Field. 




Amakusa is situated on an archipelago consisting of several island on the

west side of Kumamoto. It possesses a beautiful lush green landscape and

natural geological formations giving the islands the designation “national

Geopark”. Marine activities such dolphin watching, boat tours, seafood & 

local delicacies can be enjoyed. Amakusa also has an important historical

significance to Christians.


  Amakusa-city : 70,500 people, Kami-Amakusa-city : 22,500 person, Reihoku-machi : 6,400 people