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Mifuneyama rakuen


Beautiful Japanese Garden, located in the south-western foot of Mifuneyama.

onstruction of the garden took about 3 years and completed in 1845, the area is about 5ha.

The dynamic cliffs of Mifuneyama Mountain can be seen from the garden.


Spring season

 Autumn season

Mathew C Perry came to Uraga in 1853


In 1853, Mathew C Perry came to Uraga; the Commodore of the US navy,

who played a significant role in Japanese history, succeeded in opening Japan

to foreign countries.

Japanese industry was 200years behind European countries at that time,

and Japanese’s industrial revolution started in Saga, Kagoshima, Nagasaki,

Kitakyushu and other places in Japan.



The first tulips were introduced to Japan in 1863, at the end of the Edo period, when bulbs

were brought back from France by the Shogunate’s mission to Europe.


Photos are taken at Onga River flower park in Nogata, Fukuoka-prefecture 

Nagasaki Port was opened to the World in 1859


Nagasaki Port was opened in 1859 for trade with the world.

And a residential areas were created for foreigners in Minami-yamate and

Higashi-yamate where overlooking Nagasaki Port.


And in that place, houses were built for foreigners who came to Japan for

proceeding the international business in Japan.

Nagasaki-cape flower garden


Nagasaki-cape is located at the tip of the Kunisaki Peninsula.

In the past, the vast terraced fields that spread out on the cape were used to

grow tobacco, potatoes, and wheat. Currently here is used as a flower garden.

From March to April, 20 million rape blossoms bloom on the cape, making it

one of the largest in Kyushu.

Summer in Nagasaki-cape comes with sunflowers. The full bloom period is

August and September.

Takachiho-no-Yokagura, in Takachiho


Takachiho-no-Yokagura is a Shinto ritual which has been dedicated to Ujigami-sama

(a local god) from November to February for each settlement since a long time ago.

For the people who cannot enjoy Takachiho-no-Yokagura, leading 4 episodes are

performed from 8pm to 9pm at Takachiho Shrine Kagura-den Hall throghout the year.

First three episodes (The dance of Tajikarao, Uzume, Totori) are based on Iwato

Mythology. The dance of Goshitai is a dance of a married couple (Izanagi and

Izanami) living happily together. It expresses a prayer for a rich harvest, happily

married, smooth delivery and pregnancy.


Japan’s modern Steel industry in 1901


Japanese industry at the end of 19th century was 200 years behind. 

After Mathew C Perry came to Japan in 1853, Japan’s industrial

Revolution was started.


Japan’s modern Steel industry was started as Yawata Steel Works 

at Higashida district in Kitakyushu in 1901. 

Since then, the Steel Works greatly contributed to Japan’s industrial modernization.

And Japan became the world’s leading industrialized country in only 100 years.

Rape blossoms


Rape blossoms (Nanohana in Japanese) is a general term for flowers of the

Brassica family.

Rape blossoms are one of the flowers that herald the arrival of spring, and

the yellow flowers spread all over the place are spectacular.

Onsen experience, in Beppu


Hyotan Onsen is the most popular pubulic bath where is located in Kannawa

district. You can enjoy Onsen experience of various type of Onsen including

the sand bath. 


There are Outdoor bathes, Hyotan bath, Waterfall bath, Steam bath and Sand bath.

You can also enjoy meals at the restaurant; local specialty cuisine Dangojiru, or

food steamed with the steam from hot spring. 

The waters of this Onsen contain sodium chloride which is effective for neuralgia and 

women’s diseases.

Sun Messe Nichinan, in Miyazaki


Japan’s own replica of Moai Statues. Enjoy a breath taking panoramic view of the Pacific

Ocean, the Sun Messe Nichinan has replicas of the Moai statues from the Easter Island

placed here and there in the area.

The Sun Messe Nichinan is the only place all over the world that has been permitted to

replicate the Moai statues. There are restaurants and also tourist viewing areas inside

the park.